Hayley Billings

Hayley Billings has played 16 games across 16 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Hayley Billings's recorded scores on that machine.

Machine Played Best
AC/DC 1 5,651,390
Aerobatics 1 657,400
Circus 1 184,550
Deadpool 1 25,426,830
Dialed In! 1 43,240
Ghostbusters 1 27,629,990
Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man 1 429,210
Nautilus 1 3,490,800
Night Moves 1 2,501,140
Pirates of the Caribbean (JJ) 1 27,027
Queen's Castle 1 432,200
Robocop 1 763,140
Ski Jump 1 1,554,400
Star Trek (Stern) 1 7,727,600
TRON 1 1,314,200
Wizard! 1 45,680