Machines - Full List

All machines played to date in the UK Pinball League.
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Scottish League

Season 5

 Machine ▼AppearancesPlaysAverage Score High ScorePlayer
1 World Cup Soccer 3 44 617,457,797 1,341,075,530 Colin Clunie
2 Twilight Zone 1 20 166,897,913 640,823,290 Mike Grant
3 The Getaway: High Speed II 2 36 72,472,586 281,200,630 John Higgins
4 Revenge from Mars 2 26 70,363,531 167,769,900 John Higgins
5 Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man 3 43 601,304 1,569,220 Scott Nesbitt
6 Judge Dredd 4 63 152,512,889 912,731,990 Malcolm Coull
7 Indiana Jones (Williams) 1 17 107,748,489 363,336,580 Colin Clunie
8 Fortune 3 44 553,822 1,946,600 Scott Nesbitt
9 Cactus Canyon 2 26 29,835,250 167,307,340 John Higgins
10 Batman Forever 2 33 635,485,395 1,383,150,310 Scott Nesbitt
11 Apollo 13 4 64 597,739,658 1,705,553,360 John Higgins

When filtered by region, only scores achieved at league meets (within specified region) are considered.

'Appearances' is the number of league meets or league finals the game has appeared in.
'Plays' is the number of games played across those events.
For example, if Twilight Zone appeared at one meet with 12 players, then we would expect Appearances to be 1 and Plays to be 12.