Abigail Sampson

Abigail Sampson has played 31 games across 20 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Abigail Sampson's recorded scores on that machine.

Machine Played Best
Attack from Mars 2 1,604,421,400
Black Knight 2000 1 545,960
Champion Pub 1 862,850
Demolition Man 1 14,993,290
Earthshaker 1 2,368,400
Fish Tales 2 12,659,720
Indiana Jones (Williams) 2 33,202,880
Judge Dredd 2 20,353,800
Medieval Madness 1 7,747,660
Medusa 1 217,240
Revenge from Mars 1 32,762,420
Road Show 1 29,397,020
Scared Stiff 2 3,313,990
Star Trek Next Generation 3 598,287,730
The Addams Family 3 92,328,140
The Getaway: High Speed II 1 27,775,440
The Simpsons Pinball Party 3 4,848,600
Twilight Zone 1 104,689,390
White Water 1 33,826,110
World Cup Soccer 1 224,034,200