Otilia Pasareti

Otilia Pasareti has played 13 games across 13 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Otilia Pasareti's recorded scores on that machine.

Machine Played Best
AC/DC 1 4,307,320
Alien 1 2,262,230
Black Knight 2000 1 292,130
Fathom 1 188,790
Fish Tales 1 23,661,870
Laser Ball 1 145,260
Mafia 1 13,810
Medieval Madness 1 7,781,730
Monster Bash 1 14,716,290
Tales of the Arabian Nights 1 2,553,450
The Getaway: High Speed II 1 9,815,950
The Shadow 1 472,403,640
Twilight Zone 1 18,860,280