Leeanne Fryars

Leeanne Fryars has played 19 games across 13 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Leeanne Fryars's recorded scores on that machine.

Machine Played Best
Apollo 13 3 460,552,636
Fireball II 1 64,250
Fortune 1 336,500
Heavy Metal Meltdown 1 239,180
Indiana Jones (Williams) 2 26,066,000
Judge Dredd 2 41,919,720
Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man 1 304,210
Paragon 1 273,890
Police Force 1 682,040
Safe Cracker 1 220,270
The Getaway: High Speed II 3 21,849,780
World Cup Soccer 1 255,204,350
Xenon 1 5,694,909