The Shadow

Total games played : 1,087

Average score : 219,393,050

Bob Pickering's average score : 138,385,028

View Top Scores for The Shadow

Rank Player Score Event
1 Janos Kiss 1,336,342,640 2019 South West League - Meet 2
302 Bob Pickering 265,493,460 2013 London and South East League - Meet 4
591 Bob Pickering 140,953,630 2019 London and South East League - Meet 6
768 Bob Pickering 98,711,870 2015 London and South East League - Meet 6
789 Bob Pickering 93,875,190 2012 London and South East League - Meet 5
793 Bob Pickering 92,890,990 2012 London and South East League - Meet 6