Machines - Full List

All machines played to date in the UK Pinball League.
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London and South East League

Season 15

 Machine ▼AppearancesPlaysAverage Score High ScorePlayer
1 Twilight Zone 1 29 91,002,395 305,038,890 David Tucker
2 Total Nuclear Annihilation 2 52 525,724 2,063,073 Yuen Aw
3 The Simpsons Pinball Party 1 29 11,132,248 47,679,450 John Whitfield
4 The Shadow 1 39 349,447,517 1,133,296,610 Tim Thornton
5 The Mandalorian 1 34 98,802,210 424,860,610 Punk Stig
6 Taxi 1 26 1,447,453 5,161,420 Jayne Raison
7 Stranger Things 1 34 119,766,274 385,161,330 Yuen Aw
8 Quicksilver 1 39 549,557 2,433,140 David Fowler
9 Mousin' Around! 1 26 3,341,611 15,096,380 Yuen Aw
10 Monster Bash 1 29 21,479,045 56,951,860 Martyn Iles
11 Metallica 2 67 34,061,902 320,410,720 Neil McRae
12 Medieval Madness 1 39 21,067,558 59,074,220 Regan Rist
13 Led Zeppelin 1 35 55,733,808 270,110,370 Neil McRae
14 Jurassic Park (Stern) 1 34 77,840,822 390,109,720 Neil McRae
15 Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 2 67 148,148,346 643,081,630 Chris Poyntz
16 Halloween 1 29 13,590,125 50,912,510 Chris Poyntz
17 Godzilla (Stern) 2 60 113,086,148 627,778,160 David Tucker
18 Elvira's House of Horrors 2 54 30,889,270 98,686,880 Matt Vince
19 Eight Ball Deluxe 1 26 449,037 1,344,480 Paul Rubens
20 Dialed In! 2 55 231,355 730,490 Neil McRae
21 Deadpool 1 26 146,544,154 952,973,160 Josh Iles
22 Black Knight: Sword of Rage 2 54 70,196,155 229,310,450 Neil McRae
23 Attack from Mars 1 28 2,467,858,157 8,772,511,710 Josh Iles

When filtered by region, only scores achieved at league meets (within specified region) are considered.

'Appearances' is the number of league meets or league finals the game has appeared in.
'Plays' is the number of games played across those events.
For example, if Twilight Zone appeared at one meet with 12 players, then we would expect Appearances to be 1 and Plays to be 12.