UKPL Competition Rules & Guidelines

1. General information

A. Regional rules

These rules apply to regional competitions only and not the UK National Finals which may have its own special rules.

B. Number of meetings

A minimum of four and maximum of six league meetings will be held in each region per year. These meetings will be at a variety of venues throughout the region. No venue should be used more than twice in the season without prior agreement from the overall coordinator.

C. Competing in more than one region

Players can register for one regional league only. Meetings will be open to all players but only points scored in a player's nominated region will count towards their league total.

D. Fees

A league fee of £2.00 must be collected by the regional coordinator or deputy from all adult players before any play begins (under 16s play for free). This will contribute to a central prize fund. An additional charge will be made or may be requested as a contribution to the host's costs. The combined league fee, plus charge for host's costs is the entry fee. Hosts and their immediate family members will be exempt from the entry fee for the meet which they host. Hosts (but not their family members) are also exempt from paying the entry fee for every meet they attend in their region for that season.

E. Minimum number of competitors

For a meeting to count towards the regional league at least five competitors from that region must take part.

F. Regional Finals

At the end of the league season the top players from each region will play directly against each other to determine the final league places. This regional final may take place at a venue within the region, or alternatively be held at the same venue as the National Finals as a precursor to those finals.

G. National Finals

Once regional finals have been completed the top two players from each region will be invited to compete in a UK National Finals competition.

H. WPPR points

World Pinball Player Ranking points are awarded to all competitors that attended at least 50% of the available meets in their region. Current world and UK rankings can be viewed at

2. Machines

A. Machine selection

Games played will be decided in advance of each meeting by arrangement of the host and the regional coordinator.

B. Minimum number of machines

Meetings will have at least four games available for the competition (the more the better) unless agreed with the regional coordinator and published in advance.

C. Machine owners

Competition machine owners or those involved in organising competitions may enter. Any advantage gained will be insignificant when spread over the other venues/meetings and is viewed as a benefit of hosting.

D. Machine settings

Games should be set to tournament settings and to exclude extra balls and unfair random awards where possible. (Note: also see rules section 5). By standard games will be set to four balls per-game where possible. Where the machine is set to more (or less) balls, this must be made clear to the players prior to the competition starting.

Any other non-standard machine settings or known game faults should also be made clear to the players prior to the competition starting.

3. Scoring (includes UK Pinball League Tables)

A. General

A player's individual game scores will be recorded and used to determine finishing positions for each meeting. These meeting positions (see 3b & 3d) are used to calculate regional league points and are posted on the UK Pinball League web site league tables.

B. Machine points

The highest number of points awarded on each game at a league meeting is equal to the number of competitors e.g. if there are 20 players the highest scorer on each game gets 20 points and the lowest 1 point. The finishing order at each meeting is decided by adding together individual player's points from each competition game played, for a meeting total.

One bonus machine point is awarded to any player whose score on any machine is more than double that of the second placed player on the same machine.

C. League points for players from other regions

League (and WPPR) points can only be awarded to players registered in that region. Players can compete in any regional meeting for fun, but if playing in a region other than their nominated home region then they will be considered a 'guest' player.

The website will show guest players in the individual meeting scores and results, but their finishing positions will not be relevant when league points are awarded.

D. League points

League points are awarded to the twenty highest placed players from that region e.g. if there are twenty players the player with the most machine points is awarded twenty league points and the lowest one league point. Note: If there are less than twenty players, twenty league points are still awarded to the best player and the score will reduce by one league point per finishing place until all players have their allocation.

E. Overall points

A player's top four meeting scores throughout the season will count towards their final league position. The other scores will be discarded so the maximum league score possible for a player is 80 (4x20) points.

F. Ties

In the event of a tie at a meeting points will be shared. In the event of a tie at the end of the season, and where relevant to determine the player's regional finals qualifying place, the player’s fifth and then if required sixth next best scores will be taken into consideration until the final positions are decided. In the unlikely event this still causes a tie, then this should be split by the players final position in the prior season.

G. League tables

The UK Pinball League web site league tables will display the latest regional league point standings and highlight the finals qualification places.

4. Regional coordinators

A. Meetings

Regional coordinators are responsible for organising and coordinating the regional meetings and liaising with hosts.

B. Stewards

Regional coordinators will act as central contacts and adjudicators for their regions. Regional coordinators or meeting hosts must ensure that a steward or stewards are present at the meeting to monitor player conduct and ensure fair play.

C. Reporting results

Regional coordinators or deputies must report league point awards to the UK Pinball League web site organiser within one week of the end of a regional meeting.

5. Rules

A. Practice

Players will be able to practice for at least one hour on the competition games before the competition begins.

B. General play

The interpretation of these rules along with any resolution of matters not covered by these rules is at the sole discretion of the competition organisers whose decisions in the matters are final.  They shall, however, attempt to behave in what they believe to be a fair and equitable way at all times.

C. Game start

Entrants must wait until the game becomes available. Entrants may not start or restart any of the games unless instructed to do so by the organisers.

D. Game completion

When the entrants have completed their game they must attract the attention of a witness who will record their nominated game score and initial the score card to verify that all is correct. Players may record their own score but must have the result witnessed and signed off after each game. The game scores will, in due course, be returned to the regional coordinator or organisers as instructed on the day.

6. Machine Faults

A. Permanent faults

If a competition machine becomes inoperable or the entrant's score has been unduly affected during the course of the game, the machine will be taken out of the competition until the fault can be repaired and the entrants will be offered the chance to replay the game.

The selection of games is not fixed and may change during the competition. If a game has to be removed during the course of the competition, a substitute game will be provided where possible and any games already played on the faulty machines will need to be replayed on the new game.

B. Temporary faults with no loss of ball

If a mechanical or software fault develops during the course of the game, the entrant must attract the attention of the steward who will attempt to resolve the situation.  If the ball becomes stuck, the entrant may attempt to free it at the risk of tilting the game. Otherwise they should attract the attention of the steward who will attempt to free it and place it in a dead area of the game such as the shooter lane or in a ball trap so the entrant may continue play.

C. Temporary faults with loss of ball

If a player loses a ball through a random machine fault which is not persistent and has not affected other players and through no fault of their own, the player must notify the regional coordinator and explain the fault which must be corroborated by another player. It is up to the regional coordinator to decide if the event falls under this rule. Their decision will be final but they may choose to consult with other players to deem what is the fairest solution, which will typically be one of the options presented below.

1. Completing their game and then playing one ball of a new game. The scores of the two games will then be added together to form the player’s score for that machine. Or,

2. Discarding the current game and replaying the game from scratch.

On option 1, the one ball they play will be from a new game and no attempt should be made to manually award features that may have been achieved in the faulty game. If the game was part of a multiplayer game and the other player's games were unaffected, these players should complete their games as normal irrespective of the choice the affected player makes.

D. Non-working features

If a game has a known fault such as a non working feature, it may be used for the competition provided that it is agreed by the regional coordinator and provided that all players are made aware of the problem.

7. Player Conduct

A. Behaviour

Entrants should play their nominated game to the best of their ability with good conduct and without cheating, distracting other players or unfairly influencing the score. The organisers shall decide what constitutes good conduct and cheating. Any entrant deemed to be in breach of these rules may be warned or disqualified and their score adjusted or discarded.

Unruly and offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to:

1. Machine abuse such as using excessive force to move the machine causing it to knock into an adjacent machine or come off a leg support (if applicable), banging on the glass or lockdown bar or generally shaking or banging the machine in frustration after the ball has drained.

2. Swearing and other loud AND persistent shouting during play.

It is up to the regional coordinator's discretion to apply any penalty on the day.

As a guide for less serious incidents, a warning will be given but if there is a repeat offence on the day or subsequent meetings, a penalty will be applied. For more serious offences, a penalty will be applied on the day but offences deemed serious enough will be reported to the league to consider if any further penalty is deemed necessary.

When deciding the appropriate penalty, the regional coordinator may seek feedback from other players and will consider the intent even if no damage was caused and the damage (if applicable). The offender will be expected to pay for any damage caused to the host's machines caused by abuse.

Penalties will be one of the following:
- award zero score on the machine the offence was committed on, or to zero another score if the offence occurred whilst the player involved was not competing at the time.
- disqualify the player from the meet, ie zero all scores on all machines at the meet
- a ban for the next meet
- a ban for the season

For any player who has already received a penalty during the season, there will be no further warnings and for the next offence, the next level of penalty above will be imposed as a minimum.

B. Coaching

Any coaching or advice to players, by spectators or other players is not allowed during a competitive game but the rules of the game may be discussed before starting play.

C. Extra balls

Extra Balls will normally be switched off for league play. Where a machine can be configured so that extra balls award points instead, this should be enabled. Any player becoming aware during the practice session that a machine is incorrectly awarding extra balls should bring this to the attention of a steward so that the settings may be changed. On certain older games, extra balls cannot be switched off, or may be part of normal play (eg add-a-ball type machines). The meeting steward should make players aware of these machines prior to the start of competitive league play. Extra balls earned during competitive play should be played as a normal ball by the player earning them.

D. Tilts

Tilting the machine during a game will result in the loss of the entrant's current ball. On some older games tilt will cause loss of the entire game and not just the ball in play.

In the event of a 'tilt through' which causes the following player to lose their ball, the affected player will have the option of continuing their game as laid out in rule 6c.

Slam tilting will result in the game ending and the offending player automatically losing that game and being awarded a score of zero. If a slam tilt occurs in a multiplayer game, the other players have the choice of continuing as laid out in rule 6c assuming that the players can agree on their score. If, in the opinion of the organisers, the slam tilt is due to poor conduct by the entrant, the entrant may be disqualified from the event entirely and their score discarded.

8. Overall

If there is any ambiguity or confusion over the meaning or interpretation of these rules, the decision of the regional coordinator or competition organisers shall prevail at all times.

Good luck, play well and have fun.

Last revision: August 2024