Machines - Full List

All machines played to date in the UK Pinball League.
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Scottish League

Season 6

 Machine ▼AppearancesPlaysAverage Score High ScorePlayer
1 White Water 1 13 150,084,681 730,170,220 David Hamilton
2 Twilight Zone 1 13 54,244,066 102,471,880 Laura Nesbitt
3 The Incredible Hulk 3 38 119,462 241,490 Lewis Fryars
4 The Getaway: High Speed II 3 38 54,883,559 182,986,430 John Higgins
5 The Addams Family 1 13 57,073,857 135,452,040 Alan Syson
6 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 1 12 31,887,715 59,919,930 Eric Ridley
7 Star Trek Next Generation 2 26 201,140,134 885,339,330 John Bud
8 Scared Stiff 1 13 2,996,650 5,756,930 Malcolm Coull
9 Pinbot 2 25 895,232 3,031,720 Mike Grant
10 Medieval Madness 1 13 28,208,620 207,768,770 Alan Syson
11 Lord of the Rings 1 13 11,176,523 49,030,610 Colin Clunie
12 Judge Dredd 3 38 171,279,137 774,644,810 Scott Nesbitt
13 Indiana Jones (Stern) 1 13 46,602,129 102,551,860 Mike Grant
14 Fortune 2 25 676,334 1,462,300 Colin Clunie
15 Bram Stoker's Dracula 2 25 54,503,087 156,906,130 John Higgins
16 Batman Forever 1 13 1,143,180,319 4,045,975,030 John Higgins

When filtered by region, only scores achieved at league meets (within specified region) are considered.

'Appearances' is the number of league meets or league finals the game has appeared in.
'Plays' is the number of games played across those events.
For example, if Twilight Zone appeared at one meet with 12 players, then we would expect Appearances to be 1 and Plays to be 12.