David Butler

David Butler has played 192 games across 66 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of David Butler's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
Aerosmith 4 109,586,800 56
Avengers: Infinity Quest 3 156,974,300 12
Batman 66 1 144,950,340 133
Batman: The Dark Knight 5 119,023,800 25
Bram Stoker's Dracula 3 76,012,170 227
Bride of Pinbot 6 27,441,620 25
Cactus Canyon Continued 1 2,817,940 64
Creature from the Black Lagoon 10 203,006,910 97
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1 12,584,830 47
Cyclone 1 693,380 10
Deadpool 2 189,239,250 84
Dialed In! 1 137,590 359
Doctor Who 7 170,243,670 76
Elvira's House of Horrors 1 52,902,080 67
Fathom 1 170,590 321
Foo Fighters 2 137,808,410 17
Game of Thrones 1 284,433,620 100
Ghostbusters 1 154,097,020 96
Godzilla (Stern) 6 492,808,490 33
Goldeneye 6 932,111,450 21
Guns N' Roses (JJP) 1 1,556,845 25
Houdini: Master of Mystery 3 1,426,220 4
Hurricane 4 23,703,840 22
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 3 125,678,840 197
Iron Man 1 17,012,080 141
Jackbot 3 1,182,822,340 46
Jaws 1 124,603,200 21
Judge Dredd 2 283,107,540 62
Lethal Weapon 3 1 63,504,530 66
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 4 740,083,360 25
Maverick 1 436,104,000 19
Metallica 1 44,233,970 172
No Good Gofers 1 4,534,310 158
Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern) 1 6,227,370 365
Playball 2 4,989 5
Popeye Saves The Earth 3 137,848,150 18
Ripley's Believe it or Not! 1 12,216,730 69
Road Show 3 499,912,170 231
Rush 2 144,291,790 20
Space Station 3 2,790,620 24
Spirit 1 607,840 34
Star Trek (Stern) 1 66,209,150 164
Star Trek Next Generation 9 1,271,838,910 51
Star Wars (Data East) 1 30,149,640 195
Star Wars (Stern) 1 237,048,570 94
Starship Troopers 5 111,471,470 12
Stranger Things 1 49,691,080 230
Tales from the Crypt 9 341,734,610 17
The Addams Family 5 56,488,880 1,008
The Getaway: High Speed II 5 235,134,080 39
The Lost World Jurassic Park 1 1,780,010 16
The Mandalorian 3 105,177,410 37
The Munsters 1 9,069,540 32
The Shadow 3 618,070,780 50
The Simpsons Pinball Party 3 58,742,070 9
The Walking Dead 3 80,110,400 132
The Wizard of Oz 1 19,822 353
Theatre of Magic 7 642,461,280 177
Toy Story 4 2 1,066,290 13
Twilight Zone 3 289,743,230 316
TX-Sector 1 1,106,120 151
Whirlwind 1 8,502,530 22
White Water 12 183,154,810 329
Who Dunnit 3 2,171,023,210 26
WWF Royal Rumble 5 1,288,819,920 5
X's & O's 1 866,770 16