Cathal O'Loughlin

Cathal O'Loughlin has played 137 games across 56 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Cathal O'Loughlin's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
Aerosmith 4 32,221,110 177
Avengers: Infinity Quest 3 61,250,170 52
Batman 66 1 48,266,050 254
Batman: The Dark Knight 5 66,472,160 92
Bram Stoker's Dracula 3 88,115,720 202
Bride of Pinbot 4 8,704,450 105
Creature from the Black Lagoon 3 49,965,110 768
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1 2,805,970 137
Cyclone 1 1,422,370 6
Deadpool 2 51,900,000 295
Doctor Who 7 336,328,740 32
Elvira's House of Horrors 2 26,115,020 143
Foo Fighters 3 24,334,130 114
Game of Thrones 1 5,673,210 393
Ghostbusters 1 118,169,980 126
Godzilla (Stern) 7 261,588,440 97
Goldeneye 5 492,053,700 65
Guns N' Roses (JJP) 1 136,240 132
Houdini: Master of Mystery 3 587,893 24
Hurricane 4 12,869,410 54
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 2 142,678,330 162
Jackbot 3 865,210,140 66
Jaws 1 20,462,620 45
Judge Dredd 2 120,902,910 302
Lethal Weapon 3 1 20,613,960 164
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 2 382,745,930 98
Maverick 1 122,353,610 36
Metallica 1 26,365,430 281
Playball 2 3,768 12
Popeye Saves The Earth 3 53,318,710 36
Ripley's Believe it or Not! 1 2,406,730 264
Road Show 1 103,711,790 1,001
Rush 2 342,364,620 3
Space Station 1 1,013,580 177
Star Trek Next Generation 3 207,764,340 598
Star Wars (Stern) 1 241,138,570 93
Starship Troopers 3 49,120,800 63
Stranger Things 1 92,699,760 138
Tales from the Crypt 7 122,741,740 148
The Addams Family 1 39,923,260 1,331
The Getaway: High Speed II 3 41,153,540 707
The Lost World Jurassic Park 1 1,286,370 21
The Mandalorian 3 72,446,560 74
The Munsters 1 7,917,480 39
The Shadow 3 180,634,620 497
The Simpsons Pinball Party 3 21,029,250 80
The Sopranos 1 14,592,350 77
The Walking Dead 1 26,395,740 444
Theatre of Magic 3 293,100,220 371
Toy Story 4 2 3,502,150 4
Twilight Zone 3 58,279,530 1,877
Whirlwind 1 3,535,050 92
White Water 7 86,397,550 750
Who Dunnit 1 1,643,242,100 39
WWF Royal Rumble 3 147,004,130 149
X's & O's 1 138,550 67