Mick Colgan

Mick Colgan has played 69 games across 37 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Mick Colgan's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
Aerosmith 3 49,404,320 143
Batman: The Dark Knight 1 4,512,240 662
Bride of Pinbot 4 11,128,470 77
Creature from the Black Lagoon 3 39,077,710 943
Cyclone 1 593,250 14
Dialed In! 1 822,250 40
Doctor Who 4 94,353,670 145
Elvira's House of Horrors 1 74,286,090 46
Foo Fighters 1 7,341,540 157
Game of Thrones 3 111,604,890 183
Godzilla (Stern) 3 145,385,880 207
Hurricane 1 3,997,440 144
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 4 264,911,780 42
Iron Man 2 23,268,730 74
Jackbot 3 1,092,746,080 53
Jaws 1 77,391,880 33
Judge Dredd 2 168,520,630 183
Magic Castle 1 1,349,890 27
Playball 2 4,284 7
Popeye Saves The Earth 2 210,753,440 11
Rush 1 113,909,650 28
Star Trek (Stern) 1 37,963,490 351
Star Trek Next Generation 1 156,071,720 729
Starship Troopers 2 43,908,580 70
Stranger Things 1 90,022,670 144
Tales from the Crypt 1 57,416,910 253
The Addams Family 2 129,374,980 272
The Flintstones 2 772,111,950 41
The Getaway: High Speed II 2 125,491,390 148
The Sopranos 1 30,626,700 44
The Walking Dead 1 36,195,580 346
Theatre of Magic 1 175,897,630 463
Twilight Zone 1 149,363,570 920
White Water 3 72,932,060 842
Who Dunnit 2 2,444,568,160 18
WWF Royal Rumble 2 240,189,330 90
X's & O's 2 530,400 33