Ben Flynn

Ben Flynn has played 150 games across 49 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Ben Flynn's recorded scores on that machine.

Machine Played Best
Aerosmith 3 72,058,970
Avengers: Infinity Quest 1 14,480,960
Batman: The Dark Knight 5 48,675,340
Bram Stoker's Dracula 2 115,400,410
Bride of Pinbot 4 5,190,160
Creature from the Black Lagoon 7 94,606,960
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1 9,698,370
Cyclone 1 1,999,990
Deadpool 1 39,475,640
Doctor Who 7 160,771,390
Elvira's House of Horrors 1 62,094,590
Foo Fighters 2 103,327,870
Ghostbusters 1 43,698,780
Godzilla (Stern) 2 148,833,640
Goldeneye 6 730,812,890
Guns N' Roses (JJP) 1 679,775
Houdini: Master of Mystery 3 472,283
Hurricane 4 7,554,340
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 3 81,256,700
Jackbot 3 791,911,120
Judge Dredd 1 137,031,820
Lethal Weapon 3 1 59,433,880
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 3 293,378,510
Maverick 1 194,062,510
Metallica 1 6,693,440
No Good Gofers 1 1,566,740
Playball 2 5,937
Popeye Saves The Earth 3 76,868,240
Ripley's Believe it or Not! 1 3,389,000
Road Show 2 284,048,790
Rush 2 78,905,660
Space Station 3 1,946,190
Star Trek Next Generation 10 822,463,620
Starship Troopers 4 35,033,590
Stranger Things 1 55,461,360
Tales from the Crypt 9 140,572,680
The Addams Family 3 61,542,940
The Getaway: High Speed II 4 79,169,390
The Lost World Jurassic Park 1 1,413,670
The Munsters 1 13,686,760
The Shadow 3 365,494,730
The Simpsons Pinball Party 3 12,136,260
Theatre of Magic 8 649,481,470
Toy Story 4 1 629,560
Twilight Zone 3 191,515,090
Whirlwind 1 1,568,710
White Water 11 85,688,020
Who Dunnit 4 901,853,900
WWF Royal Rumble 4 389,704,920