Stuart Kabler

Stuart Kabler has played 68 games across 41 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Stuart Kabler's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
24 1 7,727,080 82
AC/DC 1 19,536,340 538
Aerosmith 2 30,894,850 182
Arena 1 1,412,500 80
Avatar 1 6,087,460 514
Batman 66 1 113,539,130 154
Batman: The Dark Knight 8 88,862,920 54
Bram Stoker's Dracula 2 53,330,990 320
Creature from the Black Lagoon 2 46,309,590 812
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1 7,769,910 76
Dialed In! 1 152,150 341
Earthshaker 1 158,650 536
Family Guy 1 56,127,730 12
Fire! 1 1,954,540 1
Fish Tales 1 47,809,690 530
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 22,567,130 270
Guns N' Roses (JJP) 1 218,997 116
Indiana Jones (Stern) 2 61,157,880 37
Indiana Jones (Williams) 4 125,735,850 324
Indianapolis 500 1 106,762,910 352
Iron Man 2 7,352,490 430
Judge Dredd 3 162,982,790 196
Lord of the Rings 3 43,953,240 103
Metallica 4 45,335,590 165
NBA Fastbreak 1 83 36
NBA Fastbreak 1 83 36
Playboy (Stern) 1 2,994,830 193
Ski Jump 1 1,136,300 56
Star Wars Trilogy (Sega) 1 6,072,140 2
Taxi 2 1,004,250 223
The Addams Family 1 123,785,060 300
The Avengers 2 2,687,490 138
The Mandalorian 1 22,750,600 165
The Shadow 1 22,871,540 1,124
The Shadow 1 22,871,540 1,124
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1 14,653,590 124
The Sopranos 1 5,174,430 117
The Walking Dead 1 120,051,220 68
The X Files 1 9,767,970 20
TRON 1 3,060,100 930
Wheel of Fortune 1 8,030,270 48
World Poker Tour 1 41,599,640 21
X-Men 3 111,888,860 4