Keith Boreland

Keith Boreland has played 282 games across 78 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Keith Boreland's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
Aerosmith 8 251,895,430 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 2 36,629,161 2
Avengers: Infinity Quest 3 101,404,010 28
Baby Pac-Man 1 64,930 3
Batman 66 5 223,737,090 88
Batman: The Dark Knight 9 206,372,990 4
Bram Stoker's Dracula 3 572,795,270 15
Bride of Pinbot 10 1,069,541,370 2
Cactus Canyon Continued 1 5,891,620 42
Creature from the Black Lagoon 14 272,145,050 56
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2 35,988,740 8
Deadpool 3 586,047,310 20
Dialed In! 2 101,270 421
Doctor Who 10 1,438,095,190 1
Elvira's House of Horrors 3 325,297,590 5
Fathom 1 506,920 138
Foo Fighters 3 99,797,760 36
Game of Thrones 2 510,862,080 58
Genesis 1 419,270 41
Ghostbusters 2 641,652,140 17
Godzilla (Stern) 6 416,289,690 50
Goldeneye 5 1,395,470,580 5
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 9,205,720 344
Guns N' Roses (JJP) 2 1,290,391 32
Houdini: Master of Mystery 4 1,998,768 3
Hurricane 5 78,039,660 2
Indiana Jones (Williams) 1 86,627,160 469
Indianapolis 500 1 229,115,770 188
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 8 377,497,670 20
Iron Man 4 24,238,250 68
Jackbot 5 4,904,773,020 1
Judge Dredd 3 292,880,810 58
Jurassic Park (Stern) 1 138,040,720 85
Magic Castle 1 1,850,710 19
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 4 1,033,017,600 12
Maverick 1 610,083,770 7
Metallica 4 81,887,300 66
No Good Gofers 1 2,024,350 236
Paragon 1 22,630 427
Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern) 2 5,487,680 381
Playball 2 4,073 8
Popeye Saves The Earth 4 550,606,420 1
Revenge from Mars 2 29,426,020 733
Ripley's Believe it or Not! 1 5,852,240 180
Road Show 3 321,721,280 392
Rush 2 147,554,600 16
Space Station 3 1,160,740 156
Spider-Man 2 44,835,040 490
Spirit 2 652,940 30
Star Trek (Stern) 4 131,329,940 30
Star Trek Next Generation 10 751,359,860 144
Star Wars (Data East) 1 125,552,160 45
Star Wars (Stern) 1 167,683,120 143
Starship Troopers 6 60,160,980 46
Stranger Things 1 124,820,410 95
Tales from the Crypt 8 316,116,450 25
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Stern) 1 19,035,610 8
The Addams Family 8 130,160,960 265
The Beatles 1 6,718,870 2
The Flintstones 4 756,308,990 43
The Getaway: High Speed II 7 103,514,550 212
The Lost World Jurassic Park 1 884,670 29
The Mandalorian 3 82,013,360 59
The Munsters 2 28,351,380 11
The Shadow 4 445,422,860 130
The Simpsons Pinball Party 4 51,393,600 11
The Sopranos 1 96,086,810 5
The Walking Dead 7 127,918,850 62
The Wizard of Oz 2 150,151 81
Theatre of Magic 8 1,115,601,600 52
Toy Story 4 2 401,770 26
Twilight Zone 4 112,716,540 1,238
TX-Sector 1 1,700,080 85
Whirlwind 1 12,179,100 6
White Water 13 481,639,900 53
Who Dunnit 4 3,236,719,020 9
WWF Royal Rumble 6 1,590,034,820 2
X's & O's 1 990,620 9