Machines - Full List

All machines played to date in the UK Pinball League.
Use the buttons to filter the data, and click on column headings to sort.


Scottish League

Season 3

 Machine ▼AppearancesPlaysAverage Score High ScorePlayer
1 Xenon 1 6 335,323 576,320 Scott Nesbitt
2 The Getaway: High Speed II 3 29 78,873,828 778,940,440 Scott Nesbitt
3 Swords of Fury 3 29 1,531,092 3,705,410 John Higgins
4 Stars 1 8 114,890 185,830 Scott Nesbitt
5 Safe Cracker 3 29 900,862 3,745,360 Michael Connechie
6 Police Force 1 6 2,714,420 8,362,230 Scott Nesbitt
7 Paragon 1 6 98,965 231,110 Chuck Tibbitt
8 Judge Dredd 3 29 206,398,741 744,153,210 John Higgins
9 Heavy Metal Meltdown 1 6 2,229,796 6,975,130 John Higgins
10 Galaxy 1 6 242,891 365,220 Derek Penn
11 Fireball II 1 6 338,440 524,910 Ian Fitzpatrick
12 Apollo 13 2 16 635,336,394 1,795,703,450 Michael Connechie

When filtered by region, only scores achieved at league meets (within specified region) are considered.

'Appearances' is the number of league meets or league finals the game has appeared in.
'Plays' is the number of games played across those events.
For example, if Twilight Zone appeared at one meet with 12 players, then we would expect Appearances to be 1 and Plays to be 12.