Machines - Full List

All machines played to date in the UK Pinball League.
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Irish League

Season 12

 Machine ▼AppearancesPlaysAverage Score High ScorePlayer
1 WWF Royal Rumble 2 16 245,133,949 474,183,530 Keith Boreland
2 Who Dunnit 2 23 1,230,416,698 3,236,719,020 Keith Boreland
3 White Water 2 26 61,006,050 481,639,900 Keith Boreland
4 Theatre of Magic 1 9 248,733,306 1,015,005,870 Clement Raigneau
5 The Walking Dead 1 11 63,436,358 157,247,740 Alan O'Grady
6 The Getaway: High Speed II 1 10 55,871,723 125,491,390 Mick Colgan
7 Tales from the Crypt 1 12 88,548,015 218,356,860 Ian Craig
8 Starship Troopers 2 16 34,358,756 111,471,470 David Butler
9 Star Trek Next Generation 1 9 246,875,153 676,103,410 Ian Craig
10 Star Trek (Stern) 1 11 44,509,241 87,967,120 Alan O'Grady
11 Popeye Saves The Earth 2 16 96,779,010 356,853,950 Malcolm McErlane
12 Playball 2 26 3,481 5,937 Ben Flynn
13 Jackbot 2 16 1,334,194,569 4,904,773,020 Keith Boreland
14 Iron Man 1 11 16,636,336 26,348,580 Johnny Rogan
15 Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 2 20 104,424,597 264,911,780 Mick Colgan
16 Hurricane 1 6 6,025,386 13,764,560 Malcolm McErlane
17 Doctor Who 3 30 112,403,519 556,515,230 Keith Boreland
18 Dialed In! 1 11 322,205 822,250 Mick Colgan
19 Creature from the Black Lagoon 2 22 69,740,405 272,145,050 Keith Boreland
20 Bride of Pinbot 2 16 7,545,858 30,409,270 Ian Craig
21 Aerosmith 1 10 30,965,502 76,161,190 David Butler

When filtered by region, only scores achieved at league meets (within specified region) are considered.

'Appearances' is the number of league meets or league finals the game has appeared in.
'Plays' is the number of games played across those events.
For example, if Twilight Zone appeared at one meet with 12 players, then we would expect Appearances to be 1 and Plays to be 12.